My New Addiction- Pitch Perfect <3


When this movie was first released in theaters, all my friends praised it endlessly and urged me to watch it. I finally rented one at redbox last week, and after finishing it up, I wasn’t quite impressed until I looked up some of the songs on youtube and listened to them several times before I finally fell in love with this movie. 
Pitch Perfect Soundtrack Full  <—  Give it a shot! 

Hakuna Matata! :)

It means no worries…for the rest of your day.  ♪

I love Lion King, and it’s a movie I can rewatch once in awhile and try to find meanings in it. I remember that I cried during the middle of this film when I first watched it. What I love most about this movie is Hakuna Matata. It was a wonderful way to incorporate the theme of not worrying into a children’s movie, that many adults would watch along. 
So…fellow bloggers, go watch/rewatch Lion King if you, like myself currently, have too much free time on your hands! 

Daily Prompt: Early years?

I remember when I was a little girl, after watching the movie “IT”, I was forever terrified of clowns…
My career choices were shifted quite often as well. I started out wanting to be a Queen, to a police officer, then model, and changed to writer, photographer, chef, back to photographer, lawyer, and then soldier. About two years ago, I settled on Dental Assistant, but had another change of mind couple months prior to now. I wanted to pursue a career in law again; maybe a prosecutor? 
Now I’m settled on just getting my basics out of the way first, and then to figure out my majors later. 
I also remember my passion for books and reading when I was in junior high School, but I grew away from that when I started high school. I honestly I can’t claim that “time” was an issue since I had plenty of time on my hands due to my lack of involvement in school activities. 

On the later note, I graduate high school in two weeks! January 18th baby! I’ll be a college girl! (: 

Please enjoy this random picture of a CUTE doggeh embracing his owner. daww so cute. ❤


Daily Prompt: Forever Young

Random Fact: I had to rewrite this post due to my stupid fingers that miss clicked and hit the backspace button, and lost EVERY-FREAKIN THING I had typed. So..way to go to me if I can remember everything I wrote precisely and retype it all back. 

Let’s see…
Would I ever drink from the Fountain of Youth if there was ever one?

Probably not, my views on immortality changed deeply from the movie, “Tuck Everlasting.” 
Many quotes from that movie generated a lot of my outlooks on life. 

Angus Tuck: “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about people, it’s that many will do anything, anything not to die. And they’ll do anything to keep from living their life.”
He’s right; people are selfish. If there’s a chance for eternal life, there’s no doubt that one would do ANYTHING to obtain that. Can you say…survival of the fittest? 

Miles: Immortality isn’t everything the preachers crack it up to be.
And it isn’t, like everything else. There’s always a side to it. Being immortal is watching your friends grow old, go on with their life, and eventually die while you stay trapped in time, and going nowhere. 

Angus: “What we Tucks have, you can’t call it living. We just… are. We’re like rocks, stuck at the side of a stream.”
By Angus’s description of immortality, the Tucks doesn’t seemed to have a fulfilled or satisfied life. His comparison of themselves and rocks made it evident that having eternity for everything is…somewhat boring?…and possibly pointless

Narrator: “Time is like a wheel. Turning and turning – never stopping.” 
You go narrator! Time turns like a wheel, and it never stops. Time awaits no one, and no one awaits time. There’s no speeding up or slowing down time, only to keep on going along. With eternity, there is no need for time; for it doesn’t exist.  The existence of time keeps the world that we know of in balance. 

Angus: “Don’t be afraid of death, Winnie. Be afraid of the unlived life.
The quote best explains my point in not choosing eternal life. I won’t deny that I’m afraid of death, but an unlived life as well. Death and life balances out one another, and ironically, I fear both. I fear death due to the thought of losing love ones, and the life that I know of. To accept death, at the very least, I will know that I have at least lived on a life. 


How animes can bring back nostalgic memories

Earlier today I was watching the K-On Movie which I awaited endlessly for since December of 11′. The next anime movie I’m dying to see is Hanasaku Irona Home Sweet Home. I love all of P.A Work’s anime but Hanasaku Irona left a huge impression on me last spring-fall. I’m disappointed to see it only returning as a movie, and not as another season, but oh well it’ll still be worth watching….even with the half a year wait for it to get to US. 

The graduation trip to Europe the girls from the Light Music Club took brought back some of the memories from my childhood days. I remember being a cry baby all the time, especially during times of good bye. Each time a guest comes over to our house, (family friends/relatives, even my own sister and brother), after they leave, I would start tearing up. I just remember feeling a sense of sadness everytime someone leaves. That eventually stopped as I grew older…wonder why. /shrugs Now whenever someone leaves, I’m like “ok bai.”

The two times I vaguely remember tearing over after someone’s departure were of my aunt’s and brother’s. My mother’s older sister lives in Maryland and had flown down to Texas to visit us. (around 2004)? Her stay lasted about a couple weeks. I was always fond of her, even at younger ages prior to 9. I have no memory of her visit besides the day of her return to Maryland. I had the urge to cry whenever we were saying our farewells, but, to my surprise, held my tears till after she left for the airport.

The other time was the vacation my brother was taking to Maryland with my sister in-law and nephew. (2004 for sure!..maybe early 2005)? My mother still had her restaurant back then, so I see my sister and brother almost every day. Being only 10, and with really no where to go besides the restaurant, I was easily attached to both of them. I thought I really wouldn’t miss them at all whenever they left for Maryland, and I was right…for 4 days! I started mopping around on day 5 of their vacation. I had missed the wrestling and playing around with Eric, the presence and prankings on Victoria, and the presence of my first nephew Kyle. My sister spotted my gloomy attitude later that day and had ensured me that they will return soon enough. By that time my tears caved in, and I let is fall like the cry baby that I was.

My memories of the restaurant were great; things are so much different 8 years later now. Eric had two more kids, and is getting old, Yolanda had two of her own as well, and age is creeping on her too…and I’m almost 18. They all have their own lives and things just aren’t the same. :/

Here’s a quick screenie I managed to get from K-on, thanks for sticking through with this post. xD